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Monday, March 8, 2021

Monday Medley: Social Media as a PLN

 Good Morning and Happy Monday!

Today's topic is using social media as a PLN (Personal/Professional/Personalized Learning Network). If you are someone who isn't big on using technology then you may think that you have no use for social media tools such as Twitter.  Or perhaps you feel overwhelmed due to the current hybrid teaching model that is in place and think that you cannot possibly add another thing to your already overflowing plate. What if I told you that spending 10-15 minutes a day scrolling through your twitter feed could actually reduce some of your planning time and help inspire you to try new things in the classroom? It all comes down to being very calculated about who you choose to follow on Twitter. If you follow global edtech leaders in your specific discipline it is highly likely that you will find high quality lesson ideas and support resources. 

Google educators from across the globe came together to help support the world's classroom teachers navigate new territory back in April of 2020 . I learned that a Global GEG (Google Educator Group) account had been created on Twitter and started following the group. Soon I was signed up for a free, virtual Google Educator Level 1 Bootcamp, with all of the sessions being presented by Global GEG members. This led to participation in a second, free Google Educator Level 2 Bootcamp in July. These boot camp sessions inspired me to become a certified Google Educator (both levels 1 & 2). Currently I am working on completing the Google Certified Coach curriculum.

So, why I am telling you about all of this? At least 3-4 times a week I stumble across something shared on Twitter that helps improve my professional practice. These ideas come from librarians, instructional coaches, teachers, principals, superintendents, and Global GEG leaders whose personal accounts I follow on Twitter. 

Here is a starting point if you don't know where to begin. Edublogs has a free self-directed course Building Your PLN aimed at helping you to use Twitter to develop your PLN. You don't need to sign up for anything to access the materials. Simply click on the steps, read the content, complete the suggested tasks, and build your PLN at your own pace.  

If you want to start "lurking" on Twitter, here are some suggested accounts to start following:

NRPS SuperintendentNRHS, NRHSVirtualMediaCenter, GlobalGEG, Matt Miller, Alice Keeler

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

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